windwos mac linux esix访问VMFS分区,windows下如何访问vmfs分区 VMFS恢复软件支持VMFS

VMware VMFS虚拟机文件系统)是VMware公司的旗舰服务器虚拟化套件vSphere使用的群集文件系统。它被开发来存储虚拟机磁盘映像,包括快照。当单个虚拟机文件被锁定时,多个服务器可以同时读取/写入同一文件系统。通过将多个VMFS卷跨在一起,可以在逻辑上“增长” VMFS卷(大小无损增加)。

  • 从群集/主机卸载数据存储时,ESX Server v6.5可以将VMFS0报告为VMFS版本。
  • ESX Server v1.x使用了VMFS1。它没有群集文件系统属性,并且一次仅由一台服务器使用。VMFS1是没有目录结构的平面文件系统。
  • ESX Server v2.x和v3.x(受限制的容量)使用VMFS2。VMFS2是没有目录结构的平面文件系统。
  • ESX Server v3.x和vSphere 4.x使用VMFS3。值得注意的是,它在文件系统中引入了目录结构。
  • vSphere 5.x使用VMFS5。值得注意的是,它将范围限制提高到64 TB,并将文件大小限制提高到62 TB,尽管vSphere 5.5之前的版本仅限于小于2 TB的VMDK。
  • vSphere 6.5使用VMFS6。它支持512个仿真(512e)模式驱动器。
  • VMFS-L是VSAN-1.0的基础文件系统。叶级VSAN对象直接驻留在由服务器端直接连接的存储(DAS)组成的VMFS-L卷上。文件系统格式针对DAS进行了优化。优化包括针对DAS用例的积极缓存,剥离的锁定管理器和更快的格式。
VMware ESXi

VMware ESXi

Wondering how to access VMFS datastore from Linux, windows, and ESXi? You’re at the right place.

Here at Bobcares, we have seen several such VMWare related queries as part of our Server Management Services for web hosts and online service providers.

Today we will take a look at how to access VMFS datastore.



How to access VMFS Datastore from Linux, Windows, and ESXi

Now let’s take a look at how our Support Engineers access the data stored on the VMFS database of the ESXi host.

If the ESXi host crashes, but the local disk (disks) of the server are still functional, then it is always possible to copy the virtual machine files (both data drives and configuration files) from VMFS datastore and run VM on a different server (even on VMware Workstation or Hyper-V). The main problem is that the common operating systems (Windows and Linux) by default do not recognize the partition with the VMFS file system, because they do not have a VMFS driver.

Let’s see the different ways of accessing data on the VMFS datastore.


How to Mount VMFS file system on Linux (Ubuntu)

First, we connect to a physical disk with the VMFS file system to the computer (server) with Ubuntu.

In order to access the data on the VMFS volume, we have to install a special third-party vmfs-tools package. This package allows accessing VMFS from non-ESXi hosts. It is possible to access data on this partition in read-only mode.

We run the below command to install the package.

#apt-get install vmfs-tools

Next, to install package dependencies, we run the below command.

#apt-get install vmfs-tools

After the package is installed, we need to create a mount point in which the VMFS partition will be mounted:

#mkdir /mnt/vmfs

The next step is to look into the partitions on the disks. Creates a number of service partitions when installed in addition to the partition for virtual machine files (VMFS partition).

If the ESXi version is 4 or earlier, or a VMFS storage has been updated from VMFS 3 to VMFS 5, and its size doesn’t exceed 2TB, then we can display the list of disks and partitions by executing below command.

#fdisk -l

As a result of the above command, we found VMFS partition is /dev/sdb3

Now we only have to mount a partition with the VMFS storage:

#vmfs-fuse /dev/sdb3 /mnt/vmfs

Then list the contents of the mounted partition:

#ls -all /mnt/vmfs

Now we see all the virtual machine files on the VMFS storage that is available in read-only mode. It means that we can now copy the directories and/or individual files of the necessary virtual machines to a separate drive and run them on another ESXi host.


Access VMFS Volume from Windows

In order to connect the VMFS volume and access virtual machine files from Windows, we’ll need a special Java driver – Open Source VMFS Driver. This driver requires Java version 6 or later. It allows mounting VMFS volumes in read-only mode.

  • First, we download Open Source VMFS Driver ( and unpack it to any directory (e.g., C:\vmfs).
  • Next, we can check the operation of the java-application fvmfs.jar by running the below commands.
    cd \vmfs
    java -jar fvmfs.jar
  • Next, we determine the number of HDDs containing VMFS storage that is connected to the Windows computer. We can find the disk number in the Disk Management Console or using diskpart (in our example, the connected disk has the index 1 – Disk1. For fvmfs driver, this disk has the following name: \\.\PhysicalDrive1).
  • Then we try to get information about this disk:
    java -jar fvmfs.jar \\.\PhysicalDrive1 info
  • After that, we share this disk with WebDAV:
    java -jar fvmfs.jar \\.\PhysicalDrive1 webdav
  • Then mount the shared disk:
    net use * http://localhost:50080/vmfs
  • A new disk that contains VMFS datastore available for reading should appear in the system;

However, we don’t close the console window while working with files on the VMFS storage.


Mounting an existing VMFS Datastore on a new ESXi host

As we saw earlier in both of the above cases, third-party VMFS drivers for Linux and Windows do not allow working with VMFS 6.0. Therefore, the best way to access data on a VMFS partition of a failed server is to connect its disks to a new ESXi server.

The new ESXi host must correctly identify the attached VMFS datastore and then we will be able to access the files on it.

Here are the steps that we follow to connect an existing VMFS storage to a new ESXi host without formatting it:

  • First, we connect to the new ESXi server using the vSphere Web Client;
  • Next, we connect the drive to the new server and run Storage rescan;
  • Then we go to the Configure >> Datastores section and select Create a new datastore item;
  • After that, we select the storage type: Disk or LUN;
  • In the list of available devices, we select the connected drive (LUN) with the VMFS storage;
  • Then we select the connection mode. Select Keep the existing signature item;
  • We click the Finish button.
  • We go to the host’s storage section. Here we select the connected storage. Its contents can be displayed by clicking on the
  • Datastore browser button;
  • Finally, now we can find the necessary vmx files, register them on the host, and immediately start the critical virtual machines.
VMxDB For VMWare VMFS Recovery
 VMWare的vSphere/ESX/ESXi 的 VMFS文件系统数据恢复软件
*支持 VMWare vSphere/ESX/ESXi 3.x/4.x/5.x/6.x 下创建的LVM和VMFS文件系统的数据恢复
*支持 3.x/5.x/6.x 版本的VMFS文件系统的数据恢复
*自动识别 由多个磁盘组成的VMFS卷
*支持 从损坏的LVM中恢复数据
*支持 从LV中直接恢复VMFS文件系统的数据
*支持 数据存储/VMFS卷 初始化/格式化后的数据恢复
*支持 恢复被删除的虚拟机/虚拟磁盘/快照文件
*支持 从损坏的或是不能挂载的VMFS卷中恢复数据
*支持 从文件目录损坏的VMFS文件系统中恢复数据
*支持 从数据存储/VMFS卷 被严重破坏或是被其它系统格式化的数据恢复
*支持 各种块大小的VMFS文件系统的数据恢复
*支持 2TB上的磁盘
*支持 RAID级别的存储模式
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